Cursors for Myspace @
Myspace Cursors
Mad-Anti HQ

My Intersts

This is not my best, only the beginning!

12/06/21 This is my very first post here so im gonna take it slow and steady and keep it simple for now... Crazy how i started to teach myself coding years ago, had hella interest in highschool too, but never stuck with it. Now here I am some months or a year later and i discover Neocities completely randomly through kreayshawn on twitter. I was trying to learn through a course first and then take that knowledge and build. Now I see that I shouldve just focused on the creative shit that Ive always come back to and tried to find something like this where I can just mess around for free. I wish this was given to me as an option initially as opposed to paid courses and ads from large institutions. Either way I did give my self enough intriductory knolwedge to be able to grasp the tools of this site well enough. I believe i'll continue adding onto my knowledge through this platform, something ive seen searching and longing for anyway. I love it here already. In this black pit, waiting for me to create everything I want, how I want. All for me, with no goofy shit. My interests so far are dialectic entries, giving me space to decmpress and "talk" about my feelings and life on the daily. I think it will be helpful for me. Its providing more than just writing on paper could/has, me thinks. The digital website part makes it more fun and a learning experience as well. And better for the environment? Saving paper, trees, anyone? The 2nd interest out of my top (and only) five, is ART. Obviously without question I feel like art of many meduims id something i'll always be interested in seeing, sharing, and making. I would love to have a page where its literally just art that I source from artists I follow on twitter and other social platforms (if thats allowed lmao) I would identify and share the artists site/store of course because i think thats important even if im the only one who sees. I dont have it fully formed yet but i do know i just want a page full of beautiful things for inspo, like a pinterest but better. I also think this will help me with my own art, and creative process. I would post my own as well. And art is so multifasceted and includes so many forms, fashion, architecture, painting, sculpting, crafting, drawing, even whole experiential immersive installations; So much to be inspired by and admire, art and artists alike. My 3rd interest is music and its so obvious that i will have music playing on my site as soon as i figure out how!! I want to stark making more playlists and eventually post my own sounds/songs too. I love djing and curating and I want to have a space to share really nicely curated music and share the music and songs I create. I spent a lot of my youth writing songs and poetry and playing instruments and i'd love to provide myself with the space to showcase those things more and keep me connected to that side of me. Poetry and music share similarites and its my 4th interest but right now as im typing i think i should change it from poetry to astrology or something related to mindfulness...That'll allow me to keep myself in check in a different way as well. Maybe i'll use it to document my spiritual/mindfulness/yogi journey and relationships. I intend on gettting connected with communities that connect me to my interests in real life as well! Because that will keep me interactive with people and have stories to share and external thoughts to add/consider too. And thats super important. My last interest is nature and its going to allow me to comment on the wild things that happen day to day with animals the seasons, the moon and stars, climate change, etc. Just the things in life that seeem to go by unnoticed, i'd love to make space and connect with those things. I will be involved in and learning more outdoor activites in the future and i'll have photos video and other documentation of what goes on and that really circles back to the overall diaryaspect of this thing. I want this website to replace twitter in my life. I m so done with twitter to my core an the only problem with that is that its provides an outlet that i dont currently have, and since my intoduction to twitter 8 years ago from December 5th, I have been made to feel like there is no other option, like nothing else exists and I dont like that feeling. Feeling trapped. And with their changes and societal changes combined, its just becoming an unbearable space to habituallybe a part of. Plus ITS B O R I N G. Twitter is so limiting on who you can be and theres so much corporate and pop culture influence that its just not fun anymore. Its like they want to force me to be interested in and care about the dumbest fucking shit. The important shit i do get to see so very little, the shit that matters, that i care about, its so hard to find more of because everyone is being fed the same shit and not everyone has the strength to maintain themselves. Folks always switch up and start acting funny because they think thats how its "supposed" to be. Luckily for me the shit that happens online is so fucking irrelevant out of sight out of mind and id so much rather spend stime curating my site and lovely prosperous life than mindlessly scrolling and being bored disappointed and underwhelmed. I wont be scrolling looking for "whats happening" i'll just BE. I want to comment on books and shows in peace with no character limits. I will probably keep my accounts activated just to keep up with tours of the curent musical artists, and global events (if and only if i cant find a better source of news), but mostly im sentimental and i had some pretty awesome twitter moments tbh! And I would personally hate to delete real memories. Anyways this was long as fuck so i'll consider it my first entry.